
Minimal installation

If you only want to use the core functionalities, namely smoother.SpatialWeightMatrix and smoother.SpatialLoss, Smoother can be directly installed using pip.

$ pip install git+


This will be enough if you do not plan to run spatial dimensionality reduction models and convex optimization solvers.

Minimal software dependencies include


Full installation

Models in the dimensionality reduction module (smoother.SpatialAE, smoother.SpatialVAE) is built upon scvi-tools. Here we refer to the original repository for installation instructions on different systems.

$ pip install scvi-tools


scvi-tools` doesn’t officially support Apple’s M chips yet. To run SCVI and the corresponding SpatialVAE on Macs with Apple silicon, a temporary solution is to compile both Pytorch and PyG on M1 chips using compatible wheel files.

$ conda install -y clang_osx-arm64 clangxx_osx-arm64 gfortran_osx-arm64

$ MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.3 CC=clang CXX=clang++ python -m pip --no-cache-dir install torch

$ MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.3 CC=clang CXX=clang++ python -m pip --no-cache-dir install torch-geometric

$ pip install scvi-tools

To solve data imputation and deconvolution models using convex optimization, you need to also install the ‘cvxpy’ package.

$ conda install -c conda-forge cvxpy

To run other functions, e.g., the simulation scripts, we recommend using the conda environment provided in the repo. You can create a new conda environment called ‘smoother’ and install the package in it using the following commands:

# download the repo from github
git clone

# cd into the repo and create a new conda environment called 'smoother'
conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate smoother

# add the new conda enviroment to Jupyter
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=smoother

# install the package
pip install -e .

The following software dependencies specified in the environment.yml will be installed

name: smoother
- conda-forge
- python<4.0
- pip
- scipy
- pytorch
- pandas
- scanpy
- python-igraph
- leidenalg
- scvi-tools
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib==3.5.3
- plotnine==0.8.0
- jupyterlab
- ipywidgets
- pynndescent
- cvxpy
- pip:
   - squidpy
   - fuzzy-c-means
   - scikit-bio==0.5.8