Basic usage

Smoother is a two-step framework that (1) extracts prior dependency structures from positional information and (2) integrates them into non-spatial models for downstream tasks to encourage local smoothness. Here we briefly outline key components and steps of the Smoother pipeline.

import torch
import smoother
from smoother import SpatialWeightMatrix, SpatialLoss, ContrastiveSpatialLoss
from smoother.models.deconv import NNLS
from smoother.models.reduction import SpatialPCA, SpatialVAE

Spatial graph construction

Our first step is to construct a weighted spatial graph using physical positions, histology, and additional features, which serves to represent spatial dependencies a priori. The neighborhood graph is represented as an \(n \times n\) adjacency matrix \(W\), referred to as SpatialWeightMatrix, such that each entry \(W_{ij}\) indicates the connectivity between sample \(i\) and \(j\).

from smoother import SpatialWeightMatrix

# spatial coordinates of samples
coords = pd.read_csv(...) # n_spot x 2

# construct the spatial graph and the corresponding weight matrix
weights = SpatialWeightMatrix()

# connect the k-nearest neighbors for each spot and
# use binary edge weights for connectivity
weights.calc_weights_knn(coords, k = 6)

# or alternatively, connect spots by a hard-coded distance threshold and
# compute edge weights using pairwise distance
weights.calc_weights_dist(coords, radius_cutoff = 1.0, band_width = 0.1)


Optionally, the weight matrix can be scaled to encode information on region boundary using additional information. See smoother.SpatialWeightMatrix for details.

This includes scaling by expression,

# scale weights by transcriptomics similarity
y = torch.tensor(...) # the expression count matrix, n_gene x n_spot

by histology images (10X Visium as an example),

from matplotlib.image import imread
import json

# load 10X visium histology image and scale factors
img = imread('path_to_data/tissue_hires_image.png') # n_pixel x n_pixel x 3
scale_factors = json.load('path_to_data/scalefactors_json.json')
# scale_factors['spot_diameter_fullres']: Spot size (fullres)
     # scale_factors['tissue_hires_scalef']: Scale factor that transforms fullres image to the given image.

# scale weights by histological similarity
weights.scale_by_histology(coords, img, scale_factors)

and by external annotations on spatial regions and clusters (no interaction between regions).

# hard-prune the graph to remove all unwanted interactions between regions
class_anno = adata.obs['region'].to_numpy() # per-spot region/cluster annotation, n_spot x 1
weights.scale_by_identity(class_anno, boundary_connectivity=0)

Spatial loss construction

Subsequently, Smoother translates the spatial weights matrix into a covariance structure according to assumptions on the underlying stochastic process. The covariance is then converted into a modular sparse loss function, referred to as SpatialLoss, through a multivariate normal (MVN) prior. When applied to a random variable of interest, the spatial loss regularizes incoherence in the variable and thus improve performance in downstream tasks.

from smoother import SpatialLoss

# construct the spatial graph and the corresponding weight matrix
coords = pd.read_csv(...) # n_spot x 2
weights = SpatialWeightMatrix()

# optional weights scaling using weights.scale_by_

# transform it into a spatial loss function using the ICAR model
sp_loss_fn = SpatialLoss('icar', weights, rho=0.99)

# regularize any spatial random variable of interest
x = torch.tensor(...) # n_dim x n_spot
loss = sp_loss_fn(x)


The inverse of covariance \(\Sigma_{n \times n}\) is stored at sp_loss_fn.inv_cov. During downstream optimizations the covariance is always fixed since it represents prior belief. The loss is proportional to the negative log likelihood of the prior \(L_{sp}(X; \Sigma) = \frac{1}{2}X^T \Sigma^{-1}X\).

Smoother offers five different yet related spatial processes: CAR (conditional autoregressive), SAR (simultaneous autoregressive), ICAR, ISAR, and SMA (spatial moving average). Specifically, CAR and SAR are equivalent upon transformation, and ICAR and ISAR are the weights-scaled versions so that the autocorrelation parameter \(\rho\) falls in [0, 1]. By adjusting \(\rho\), these models can achieve parallel regularization effects. Based on numerical considerations, we typically recommend using ICAR with varying \(\rho\) (or ISAR with smaller \(\rho\)) to accommodate data with diverse neighborhood structures, for instance, “ICAR (\(\rho = 0.99\))” for data with clear anatomy and “ICAR (\(\rho = 0.9\))” for tumor data. SMA is generally not recommended since the resulting inverse covariance matrix tends to be less sparse, potentially slowing down computation.

sp_loss_fn = SpatialLoss('icar', weights, rho=0.99)
sp_loss_fn = SpatialLoss('isar', weights, rho=0.9)

In addition, we implement a contrastive extension of the spatial loss to increase the penalty for pulling distant spots too close, ensuring that the inference does not collapse into trivial solutions. This is done by shuffling spot locations and producing corrupted covariance structures as negative samples.

from smoother import ContrastiveSpatialLoss

sp_loss_fn = ContrastiveSpatialLoss(
   spatial_weights=weights, num_perm=20, neg2pos_ratio=0.1, lower_bound = -1
loss = sp_loss_fn(x)


The corresponding covariance of the contrastive loss may not be positive semi-definite because of the negative sampling. To avoid exploding loss, the contrastive loss function has an intrinsic lower bound.

Downstream task applications

Given the SpatialLoss, it is essentially possible to morph any model with a loss objective \(L_m\) into a spatially aware version by minimizing a new joint loss function \(L_{joint} = L_m(X, ...) + \lambda L_{sp}(X; \Sigma)\). Optimization is generally performed using gradient-based methods. We have implemented a collection of models in the tasks of data imputation, cell-type deconvolution, and dimensionality reduction, which will be introduced with more details in the next section.

# choose model and solve the problem
# deconvolution
model = NNLS()
model.deconv(x, y, spatial_loss=sp_loss_fn, lambda_spatial_loss=1, ...)

# dimension reduction de novo from spatial data
SpatialVAE.setup_anndata(adata, layer="raw")
model = SpatialVAE(st_adata=adata, spatial_loss=sp_loss_fn)
model.train(max_epochs = 400, lr = 0.01, accelerator='cpu')

# dimension reduction from single-cell models
baseline = SpatialPCA(rna_adata, layer='scaled', n_latent=30)
model_sp = SpatialPCA.from_rna_model(
    rna_model=baseline, st_adata=sp_data, layer='scaled',
    spatial_loss=sp_loss_fn, lambda_spatial_loss=0.1

model_sp = SpatialVAE.from_rna_model(
    st_adata = sp_data, sc_model = rna_scvi_model,
    spatial_loss=sp_loss, lambda_spatial_loss=0.01,